Welcome to United Effects™
This page will help you get started with United Effects. You'll be up and running in no time.
If you haven't already registered for your Platform with us, lets get that squared away.
You can register for an instance of the United Effects Core EOS platform right now. Just click the button below and follow the on-screen instructions to setup an instance of your Core as your platform. When you're done, you will be directed to a login screen to access the platform for the first time. You can use the password you entered or select the Magic Link option.
Or... if you're already good to go and you want to dive in, you can do that too!
What's Core EOS you ask?
Core EOS is our unified platform experience where we bring UE Auth, UE Streams, and all of our future solutions together for you into a single Enterprise Operating System (EOS) that you and your teammates can use to manage everything.
These docs are a work in progress
If there is something specific you need that you can't find, please reach out immediately and let us know at [email protected].
We've Updated Our User Experience
Our platform is continuously evolving and so is the user experience. Many of the docs will refer to a left navigation within the portal that you will no longer see in Core. Instead, we've decided to streamline our experience with the addition of a Start button that will make it easy to access both UE Auth and UE Streams features. All of the options that were once in the left navigation are now in that menu. Just click to get started!
Updated 8 months ago