JUMP TOUnited Effects APIGetting StartedUnited Effects™ API Integrationsue-streamConfigsUpdate your account (platform) configurationspatchGet your account (platform) configs for streaminggetSubjectsSave a record of a subject from which users can pub/subpostQuery all saved subjectsgetUpdate the details of a single subjectpatchReturn the details of a single subjectgetRemove a subject recorddeleteSend an operation to the specified subject.postStreamsSave a record of a streampostQuery all saved streamsgetUpdate the details of a single streampatchReturn the details of a single streamgetRemove a streamdeleteSend a command operation to a specific stream.postAccessRequest access to a subject/streampostQuery all access recordsgetReturn the details of a single access recordgetRevoke and delete an access recorddeleteProgramatic request for a new JWTpostOperations to run against access objects.postConsumersDefine a consumer for the stream associated to your access objectpostRetrieve all consumers tied to an access objectgetRetrieve a consumers tied to an access objectgetDestroy a consumers tied to an access objectdeleteRetrieve a consumers tied to a stream - MUST BE AN ADMINgetDestroy a consumers tied to a stream - MUST BE AN ADMINdeleteMetadataProxy to retrieve all services (oauth clients) from the AuthGroup (name and id only)getProxy to retrieve a service (oauth client) from Core EOS by IDgetProxy to retrieve all products from the AuthGroup (name, id, and description only)getProxy to retrieve a product from Core EOS by IDgetRetrieves all available tags for the associated groupgetRetrieves all available business domains for the associated groupgetSystemHealth checkgetue-authDevice ChallengeCallback used by provider to communicate user approval or denial of challengepostPoll UE Auth for a response to a challenge.getRequest an account be bound and instructions for device setup be providedpostRequest to verify your identity via email or an existing MFA devicepostBETA - Send custom transaction challenges to a registered device within your AuthGroup.putFor an account with a saved state session, initiate a device based challenge.postWebAuthNInitiate binding a user local device webAuthN using a state value and tokenpostComplete webAuthN user to local device bindingpostInitiate a webAuthN (passkey) authenticationpostUsersLookup any AuthGroups a user ownsgetRegister a new userpostSearch Accounts in the authGroupgetImport users to the Auth GrouppostRetrieve all users in the Auth GroupgetFind a User with IDgetHard delete a userdeletePatch an existing UserpatchCreate Account Recovery CodesputImmediately Lock an AccountputInitiate Recovery of Locked AccountpostUnlock an Account and Reset PasswordputOrganization Users & AccessSearch Accounts in the authGroup with an org contextgetRegister a new or existing user as part of an organizationputRegister multiple existing Auth Group accounts to the organization.putRemove multiple accounts from an organization.deleteRetrieve all users associated to an organizationgetFind a User with IDgetRemove an organization from user's accessdeleteGet defined user access in order to make edits with PUTgetOverwrite defined user access of an Account in the context of a single OrganizationputAdd multiple user accounts to multiple domains and rolesputRemove multiple user accounts from multiple domains and rolesdeleteProfilesCreate a secured profile that only you (the account holder) can access or govern access to.postUpdate your secured profilepatchRetrieve your secured profilegetDelete your secured profiledeleteRetrieve a secured profile by IDgetProfile RequestsCreate a request to access someone's profile informationpostRetrieve your profile requestsgetApprove or deny a request to access your profile datapatchGet a profile requestgetDelete a profile requestdeleteProfile AccessRetrieve secured profile access recordsgetGet a profile access recordgetDelete a profile access recorddeleteGet an approved snapshot of a profile using the request idgetRemove a snapshot of a profile using the request id.deleteOrganization User ProfilesCreate an Organization User Profile (name, contact info, bio, etc.) for an Account associated to this OrganizationpostQuery all of the Organization User Profiles in an OrganizationgetUpdate an Organization User Profile (name, contact info, bio, etc.) for an Account associated to this OrganizationpatchRetrieve an Organization User ProfilegetCompletel remove an Organization User ProfiledeleteAccount DashboardAs an Account holder, you can view all Org Profiles tied to your Account, regardless of Org AccessgetAs an Account holder, request that an Organization delete your Org Profile, regardless of your accesspostQuery the organizations, products, roles and permissions of a usergetAllows a user to view their account organizations and the state of those organizationsgetAccept or decline terms of access for an organization. Declining will remove you from the organization.putAllows a user to view all products within the context of one org to which they have access and can be linkedgetAllows a user to view detailed information about any organizations on their tokengetAllows a user to request any notifications sent to themgetAllows a user to view a single notification that was sent to them onlygetValidate AccessQuery your token's access to organizations, domains, products, roles, and permissionsgetProduct KeysDefine a Service (oAuth Client) that can be used to generate and group product keys.postView all Services (oAuth Clients) that are used to group product keys for a specific product.getDelete a Services (oAuth Clients) that is used to group product keys for a specific product.deleteUpdate the roles and permissions associated with a key grouping.putCreate a product key.postRetrieve all product keys associated to a product.getRetrieve a single product key.getRotate product key.putDelete a product key.deleteClient AccessReturn the product and roles associated to a clientgetCompletely dissassociate a product from the client and remove the attributed rolesdeleteAdd a Product and Roles to a Client so that it can act with permissions using a client_credential tokenputClientsRetrieve all clients in your AuthGroupgetReturns a single Client from within the AuthGroupgetThis will delete a ClientdeleteOperationsExecute operations against a auth group (only rotate_keys and rotate_cookie_keys are currently supported)postResends a verification email to the user. API does not return anything. Requires Notification Plugin to be working.postInitiate password reset for an account. API does not return anything. Requires Notification Plugin to be working.postExecute operations against a user within an organizationpostExecute operations against a userpostExecute operations against a clientpostNotificationProcess up to 25 currently unprocessed notificationspostProcess a specific notification that is currently not processed.putDefine a new notificationpostRetrieve all notifications in the groupgetReturn a specific notificationgetHard delete a notificationdeleteOrganization NotificationDefine a new notification within the context of an OrganizationpostRetrieve all notifications in the OrganizationgetReturn a specific notification from the OrganizationgetHard delete a notification from the Organization (and AuthGroup)deleteOIDCRequest a token code provided via code authorization flowpostRequest an initial access token (IAT) tied to your account and a state using basic auth or bearer tokenpostRequest an OIDC initial access token (IAT)postRegister a new client - may require an initial access token depending on configpostUpdate a new client - may require a registration access tokenputGet a registerd lient - may require a registration access tokengetStandard OIDC UserInfo endpointgetOrganization ProductsGet all Products associated to an OrganizationgetGet an organization associated Product's InfogetGet all Products associated to an Organization's DomaingetGet a domain associated Product's InfogetProductsGet all ProductsgetDefine a Products in your AuthGrouppostGet a Product's InfogetUpdate a Product's informationpatchDelete a ProductdeleteFind out how many permissions reference this productgetRolesGet all Roles across Products in your AuthGroupgetGet all available Roles for a given Product in your AuthGroupgetCreate a new globally available RolepostReturn any Role by IDgetUpdate any Role regardless of scope (AuthGroup or Organization)patchDelete any Role in your AuthGroup associated to a ProductdeleteOrganization RolesGet all roles across Products in your OrganizationgetGet Roles in a single ProductgetDefine new roles specific to this Organization.putRemove a custom Role specific to this Organization and ProductdeleteGet Role information for a Product in your OrganizationgetUpdate a Role specific to the OrganizationpatchOrganizationsGet all OrganizationsgetCreate an Organization inside your AuthGrouppostGet Organization by IdgetUpdate an organizationpatchDelete an OrganizationdeleteOrganization DomainsGet Domain by IDgetUpdate a DomainpatchDelete a DomaindeleteGet all Domains by Organizations IdgetCreate a Domain in a specified OrganizationspostOrganization PermissionsGet all Permissions for a Product which is associated to your OrganizationgetGet a permission by Id if the associated product is associated to your OrganizationgetQuery and search the permissions tied to a specific rolegetPermissionsCreate a permission.postGet all Permissions for a ProductgetCreate many permissions.postBulk Delete PermissionsdeleteGet a permission by IdgetDelete a PermissiondeleteFind out how many roles reference this permissiongetQuery and search the permissions tied to a specific rolegetGet all of the available Permission Actions for a ProductgetGet all of the available Permission Targets for a ProductgetGet all of the available Permission Tags for a ProductgetSystemHealth checkgetue-auditAuditGet one audit log that belongs to a user with account IdgetPage through and filter all audit logs attributed to a specific user in an Auth GroupgetPage through and filter all audit logs for your AuthGroupgetGet one audit loggetDelete one audit logdeleteSystemHealth checkgetue-webhooksHooksSet up a webhook to a known eventpostBrowse all current webhooks for an Auth GroupgetGet one hookgetDelete one hookdeleteGet all supported eventsgetHook ErrorsSee all failed webhook requests.getRetry sending a failed webhook requestputRetrieve a webhook response error.getClear a saved webhook response errordeleteSystemHealth checkgetcore-solution-loaderGlobalGet all possible solutionsgetProvisionGet all solutions currently assigned to the Auth GroupgetGet details of solution currently active with the Auth GroupgetSystemHealth checkgetPowered by Get all supported eventsget https://webhooks.uecore.io/api/{group}/eventsGet all supported events